Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a document Saturday establishing the Russian border based on Russia’s continental shelf in the Okhotsk Sea.
Medvedev stressed the importance of the document, which was adopted after consultations with the UN Commission on continental shelves and most importantly with the approval of Japan.
“Russia submitted its application for the continental shelf in the Okhotsk Sea in February 2013. This was preceded by many years of work to back up Russia’s bid with comprehensive scientific proof. We also held extensive talks with Japan,” the government’s document said.
President Vladimir Putin signed the document that issued Russia the rights to the continental shelf in the Northern and Central parts of the Okhotsk Sea on April 10, 2014.
Earlier today, Medvedev arrived with a working visit to one of the Kuril Islands in the Okhotsk Sea.
A maritime territory in the Sea of Okhotsk, which also borders Japan, was recognized as part of Russia’s continental shelf some three decades ago, but was formally outside Russian jurisdiction because it was not covered by the 200-nautical-mile zone internationally recognized as an area of exclusive economic interest.
The territory reportedly holds immense natural resources, while a certain part of it has been poorly explored so far.