22 November 2011 N 556-??
On approving the Regulations
on the Department of External
Economic and International Relations
of Moscow
For the purpose of specifying the functions and powers of the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow the Moscow City Government rules as follows:
1. The Regulations on the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow (Addendum) shall be approved.
2. There shall be deemed to have lost force:
2.1. Decree of the Moscow City Government N 159-?? “On Approving the Regulations on the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow” dd. 4 March 2008.
2.2. Decree of the Moscow City Government N 1245-?? “On Amending Decree of the Moscow City Government of 4 March 2008” dd. 10 November 2009.
3. Mr. S.E. Cheryomin (??????? ?.?), Minister of the Moscow City Government, Executive Officer of the Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow, shall be charged with supervising the execution of this Decree.
Mr. S.S. Sobyanin, Moscow City Governor
to Decree N 556-?? of the Moscow City
Government dd. 22 November 2011
Regulations on the Department of External Economic
and International Relations of Moscow
I. General Provisions
1. The Department for External Economic and International Relations of Moscow (hereinafter throughout the text as the “Department”) shall be a functional body of the executive authority of the city of Moscow that shall develop and implement the policy as related to involving investments into the city of Moscow, exercising external economic and international relations, maintaining the international credit rating of the city of Moscow and certain debt obligations of the city of Moscow, public external borrowings, international exhibition and congress-related activities of the city of Moscow, developing the city of Moscow into an international financial centre, supporting compatriots abroad (hereinafter throughout the text as the “specified activities”).
2. The Department shall act in pursuance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties and covenants, the federal constitutions and federal laws, the decrees and executive orders of the President of the Russian Federation, the decrees and executive orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter and the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow and these Regulations.
3. The Department shall act in co-ordination with the federal state authorities, the state authorities of the constituent units of the Russian Federation, the state authorities of the city of Moscow, the local government authorities, public associations and other organizations and unions, including foreign and international agencies.
II. Competence of Department
4. The Department shall exercise the powers within the specified activities as follows:
4.1. The Department shall elaborate and submit in accordance with the established procedure for the consideration of the Moscow City Governor and the Moscow City Government drafts of the legal acts of the Moscow City Governor and the Moscow City Government on the issues relating to the specified activities of the Department, including
4.1.1. On approving the government-sponsored programmes of the city of Moscow.
4.1.2. On implementing the investment projects providing for the possibility of involving the foreign capital to the benefit of the city of Moscow
4.1.3. On implementing investment projects out of the funds of the budget of the city of Moscow abroad.
4.1.4. On the fund of direct investments with the participation of the foreign capital.
4.1.5. On the procedure of coordination of the relations between the executive bodies of the city of Moscow and foreign partners, when receiving public external borrowings.
4.1.6. On receiving foreign delegations and sending official delegations of the city of Moscow, the Moscow City Government abroad.
4.1.7. On compiling the master plan for external economic and international relations events of the city of Moscow.
4.1.8. On the procedure for supporting compatriots abroad.
4.1.9. On preparing and arranging the Days of Moscow abroad, similar events of foreign cities and regions in the city of Moscow and on holding international exhibition and congress-related events
4.2. Relying on and in pursuance of the federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow, the Department shall take decisions:
4.2.1. On establishing quotas and transferring the funds for payment of scholarship grants of the Moscow City Governor to the students of the branches of the Russian higher education institutions or higher education institutions in the CIS and Baltic countries with instruction in the Russian language.
4.2.2. On granting subsidies out of the funds of the budget of the city of Moscow as stipulated by the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.
4.2.3. On effecting payments to the rating agencies within the scope of maintenance of the credit rating of the city of Moscow and certain debt obligations of the city of Moscow.
4.2.4. On arranging the activities of the Houses of Moscow and other permanent missions of Moscow abroad.
4.2.5. On other issues related to the implementation of the powers of Moscow as those of a constituent unit of the Russian Federation within the specified activities and the arrangement of the activities of the Department in accordance with the federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.
III. Rights, Arrangement of Activities and Executive Board of Department
5. For the purpose of exercising its powers the Department shall be entitled to:
5.1. Request and obtain in accordance with the established procedure from the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, the local government authorities, organizations and individuals the information required to exercise the powers within the specified activities.
5.2. Submit in accordance with the established procedure proposals within its competence for the consideration of the Moscow City Governor and the Moscow City Government, the authorized state authorities of the city of Moscow and administrative officials of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow.
5.3. Set up advisory, expert and other working bodies on the issues relating to external economic and international relations of the city of Moscow, including those with foreign partners.
5.4. Arrange conferences, seminars, round-table discussions with political and public activists, science professionals and artists, power officials of foreign countries and their territorial units within the specified activities.
5.5. Involve in accordance with the established procedure scientific and other organizations, scientists and experts in elaborating the issues referred to the matters of their activity.
5.6. Conclude within their competence contracts with individuals and legal entities for the purpose of exercising the vested powers.
5.7. Monitor, analyze and forecast within the specified activities, particularly the dynamics of the key indices of Moscow as a developing international financial centre.
5.8. Exercise other rights pursuant to the federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.
6. The Department shall run registers of permanent representations and missions of the cities and regions of foreign countries that are partners of the city of Moscow, those of trade commercial representations and representatives of the city of Moscow abroad, those of the agreements concluded by the city of Moscow on exercising international and external economic relations, the database of public compatriot organizations abroad, the register of inquiries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and accredited diplomatic corpse within the city of Moscow on the issues relating to the activities of the diplomatic missions in the city of Moscow as well as the register of foreign cities and regions, international organizations with which the city of Moscow cooperates.
7. The Department shall function and act as a founder of a government agency in pursuance of the federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow; it shall control their subordinate state-owned enterprises, including those insofar as related to the fulfilment of the government order.
8. The Department shall take measures within the specified activities in order to reduce the administrative hurdles, to reduce the budgetary expenditure and increase the efficiency of the disbursement of such funds.
9. The Department shall function as the government customer, as the key spending unit and recipient of the budget funds of the city of Moscow, as the key administrator of the budget revenues from the sources stipulated in accordance with the vested powers.
10. The Department shall take measures to implement the programmes, projects and to arrange appropriate events in the field of energy saving and increasing the energy efficiency within the specified activities.
11. The Department shall protect the interests of the city of Moscow within the specified activities before court, before courts of arbitration and courts of referees, the federal executive regulatory (supervisory) authorities; it shall act for the Moscow City Government in accordance with the established procedure before other governmental agencies, organizations.
12. The Department shall arrange the mobilization training and mobilization within the competence of the Department pursuant to the federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.
13. The Department shall receive people and consider public appeals in accordance with the established procedure.
14. The Department shall perform other functions and exercise other powers within the specified activities as stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal acts of the Moscow City Governor and the Moscow City Government.
15. The Executive Officer to be appointed to and dismissed from this position by the Moscow City Governor shall be in charge of the Department.
16. The Executive Officer of the Department shall have 7 deputies, including the 1st deputy to be appointed to and dismissed from this position by the Moscow City Governor.
17. The Executive Officer of the Department shall:
17.1. Supervise the activities of the Department, coordinate and control the activities of the subordinate organizations, be personally responsible before the Moscow City Government for the exercise by the Department of the powers within the specified activities.
17.2. Distribute obligations among the deputy executive officers of the Department.
17.3. Approve the structure and personnel list of the Department within the approved maximum number of employees and salary budget as well as the Regulations on Structural Subdivisions of the Department
17.4. Arrange for the measures and events designed to improve the management system in the specified activities, including those designed to improve the performance of the subordinate budget network.
17.5. Disburse the monetary funds within the available appropriations in accordance with the established procedure, ensure financial policy compliance and improved efficiency of the budgetary funds disbursement of the city of Moscow as stipulated for the maintenance of the Department and exercise of the vested powers, be personally responsible for the achievement of the efficiency targets in the specified activities.
17.6. Sign within the competence the legal acts of the Department (instructions, orders), supervise compliance with them.
17.7. Ensure efficient use, safe-keeping and integrity of the property of the city of Moscow as allocated to the Department.
17.8. Arrange for the process of the state civil service at the Department.
17.9. Act for the Department before the federal state authorities, other government agencies, local government authorities, organizations and public associations of citizens.
17.10. Ensure compliance by state civil officials with the legislation on the state civil service, the code of official behaviour, collective contracts, rules of standing order and rules of office proceedings.
17.11. Be liable for the compliance with the security maintenance procedure for the confidential information and the information referred to the state, commercial, official or other secrets as stipulated by the federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.
17.12. Arrange and ensure within the specified activities the mobilization training at the Department and subordinate organizations.
17.13. Sign the accounting and statistics reports of the Department; be liable for the violation of the legislation on accounting, the procedure of presentation of the statistic reports..
17.14. Approve and co-ordinate in accordance with the established procedure the charters (regulations) of the organizations subordinate to the Department, appoint to and dismiss from a position in accordance with the established procedure their executive officers, conclude, amend and terminate employment contracts with them.
18. The Department may set up a panel body consisting of the Executive Officer of the Department (chairman of the panel body), its deputies being panel body members by virtue of their position. The composition of the panel body and regulations thereon shall be approved by a legal act of the Department.
19. The Department shall be in charge of the subordinate state-owned unitary enterprises of the city of Moscow, state institutions of the city of Moscow, permanent missions of the city of Moscow and the Houses of Moscow abroad.
20. The Department shall be a legal entity with its own letterhead and seal bearing the coat-of-arms of the city of Moscow as well as the seal bearing the Coat-of-Arms of the Russian Federation and its own name, corresponding seals, letterheads and stamps, personal accounts with credit institutions in accordance with and on the terms and conditions as stipulated by legal acts of the city of Moscow.
21. The expenses for maintenance of the Department shall be allocated out of the funds stipulated in the budget of the city of Moscow for a corresponding financial year (corresponding financial year and planning period) for the operational activities of the executive state authorities.
22. Reorganization and liquidation of the Department shall be effected by the Moscow City Government pursuant to the federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.
23. If liquidated, the Department shall deliver its documentation in accordance with the established procedure to the Main Archives Administration of the city of Moscow or to any body or agency specified by it.
24. The abbreviated name of the Department shall read as the DEEIR.
25. The registered address of the Department: Building 13, Tverskaya Street, 125032 Moscow.