Petrobras’ Board of Directors evaluates this Friday (23) the first two large asset sales that includes BR Distribuidora and Gaspetro in an attempt to fight the company’s financial crisis.
Folha has learnt that BR Distribuidora is being negotiated with a Chinese partner.
The idea is to sell up to 25% of the subsidiary to raise funds while Petrobras waits for better conditions to offer its shares on the market.
BR Distribuidora will not go public due to the adverse economic scenario.
Gaspetro is being negotiated with the Japanese Mitsui. The company has shares in 19 piped gas distribution companies throughout the country.
The process is facing resistance from Petrobras members in State distributors. Carlos Suarez, one of the founders of OAS and owner of Termogás, and the government of Bahia have notified the company that the sale hurts shareholders agreements.
Petrobras has already presented to the market an offer to sell the Associated Gas Carrier (TAG) which controls the Brazilian network of gas pipelines.