MOFCOM Announcement No. 61, 2012 on Total Import Amount, Distribution Rules and Relevant Procedures of Tariff Quotas of Chemical Fertilizer in 2013 2013/08/19
MOFCOM Announcement No.64 of 2012 on Releasing the Application Conditions, Application Procedures and Distributing Principles of Export Quota of Phosphate Ore in 2013 2013/08/19
MOFCOM Announcement No.74 of 2012 on Total Amountof Export Quotas of Agricultural and Industrial Products in 2013 2013/08/19
MOFCOM Announcement No. 76 of 2012 on the Requirements and Procedures for Applying for the Export Quotas of Indium, Molybdenum and Tin in 2013 2013/08/19
MOFCOM Announcement No.77 of 2012 Qualification Criteria and Application Procedures of Enterprises Exporting Tungsten, Antimony and Silver under State Trade and Export Suppliers of Tungsten and Antimony in 2013 2013/08/19
MOFCOM Announcement No.82 of 2012 on the Application Conditions and Procedures for Export License of Ferroalloy in 2013 2013/08/19
Notification on Online Publicity of the List of Enterprises Preliminarily Passing the Annual Review of Rare Earth Export Qualification in 2013 2013/08/19
MOFCOM Circular on Issuing the Bidding Winners and their Quotas in the First Bidding for Export Quotas of Licorice and Licorice Products in 2013 2013/08/19