The United States’ monopoly in running the Internet is a matter of the international community’s broad discontent, the director of the Russian Foreign Ministry’s new challenges and threats department, Ilya Rogachyov, has told TASS.
“At the United Nations and other sites concerned various options are being discussed of internationalizing and reforming the existing model of running the worldwide web,” he said. “In this context Russia in cooperation with the BRICS partners systematically seeks creation of a transparent international mechanism that would ensure all countries’ equitable participation in that process.”
Rogachyov said the problems of international information security was high on the list of the most topical issues on the world agenda.
“This theme is discussed at all major international and regional organizations and forums,” he said. “The United Nations plays a key role in that discussion. A special body is created there – a group of government experts for international information security.”
“Russia and its SCO and BRICS partners believe that the most effective measure of resistance to threats in the information sphere at the political level will be the drafting under the UN auspices of universal rules of countries’ responsible behavior in the international information security sphere. This is the issue the mentioned group of experts will be commissioned to address,” Rogachyov said. “Such an approach is geared to the peaceful uses of information and communication technologies, the prevention of conflicts and respect for the sovereignty of states in the information space.”.