On Tuesday, the 21st India-Russia Inter-Governmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific, Technological and Cultural Cooperation is scheduled to take place in Moscow.
“The core of the proposal is a prospective project of renewed Gonets satellite system… As of today, it is at least 48 spacecraft in low orbits, but the shape of the [satellite] constellation can be modified depending on Indian partners’ requests,” the source said as quoted by the Russian Izvestia newspaper.
The source added that the sides would discuss the joint establishment and operation of a telecommunications satellite network in geostationary orbit intended to provide remote areas that lack online access.
According to the newspaper, communications links between satellites will ensure global coverage and high-speed access to the Internet from anywhere on the planet.
Gonets is a military communications system designed to assist the intelligence in transferring information from compact devices. Gonets is now operating 13 satellites, the media outlet reported.
Russia and India have been close partners in military and technical cooperation for decades. The countries also collaborate in the spheres of science and medicine, as well as infrastructure construction and nuclear energy.