As the expectations for the economy over the next year get worse, presidential advisers want creativity from the economic team to launch a recovery agenda that works in the coming months.
The evaluation done by President Dilma Rousseff’s close advisers is that the government cannot go into 2016 without a plan that gives hope to the economic agents on the recovery of the economic activity.
One adviser told Folha they do not ask for magical measures, but for initiatives that may be adopted while the government seeks to approve the tax package presented to Congress.
The presidential advisers even say that, without the progress of measures, Finance Minister Joaquim Levy may leave the government at the turn of the year under the justification that his plan to recover the economy, which lies in rebalancing government spending, was not approved by Congress.
Levy’s spokespersons deny that that is the plan. They say Levy makes a point of saying that President Rousseff is certain of his recovery plan and he is committed to the mission of helping her.
On Monday (9), two aides close to the President told Folha that is not in her plans to replace the minister, despite the pressure from the Workers’ Party (PT) and former President Lula da Silva.
Government spokespersons say Levy understands the party’s anguish, but he affirms that without adjusting spending, any measure to resume the economy’s pace will fail.