In accordance with relevant provisions of Measures for the Invitation of Bid for Export Commodity Quotas and Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Invitation for Bids for Export Quotas of Industrial Products, the Bidding Committee of Export Commodity Quotas has implemented the first bidding for export quotas of licorice and licorice products in 2013 and determined the bidding winners and their quotas. The Bidding Winners and Their Quotas in the First Bidding for Export Quotas of Licorice and Licorice Products in 2013 is now hereby issued. Each winning enterprise shall apply for and obtain the export license subject to the winning quotas delivered by the Ministry of Commerce and the Certificate for Applying for and Obtaining Export License of Quota Bidding Commodities issued by the bidding committee. Each license-issuing authority shall approve and issue the export license in strict accordance with relevant provisions.
Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China
December 21, 2012