The estimated production of milk, egg and poultry meat for the year 2012-13 are 1,32,430.59 thousand metric tonnes, 69,730.72 million numbers and 2,681.60 thousand metic tonnes respectively. During 2011-12, the estimates of milk, egg and poultry meat production were 1,27,904 thousand metric tonnes 66,450 million numbers and 2,483 thousand metric tonnes respectively and the production shows an increasing trend.
The Government of India has launched the National Dairy Plan Phase-I (NDP-I) for a period of six years from 2011-12 to 2016-17 on 16th March, 2012 as a Central Sector Scheme with the following objectives:-
i. To help increase the productivity of milch animals and thereby increase milk production to meet the rapidly growing demand for milk.
ii. To help provide rural milk producers with greater access to the organised milk – procession sector.
These objectives are pursed through adoption of focused scientific and systematic processes in provision of technical inputs supported by appropriate policy and regulatory measures.
Similarly, the National Livestock Mission is rolled out during 2014-15 which provides financial assistance for adopting modern technology and provide for focussed extension support to the Animal Husbandry sector.
In addition to this, the Central Poultry Development Organization & Training Institute, Hessarghatta, ICAR Institutes as well as Centers of All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRPs)/Network/Seed projects are imparting training programmes in various aspects of scientific Animal Husbandry production for different stakeholders and entrepreneurs.
As per an assessment made by Planning Commission, the domestic demand for milk by 2020-21 is expected to be 172.20 million tonnes. The milk production at national level is by and large sufficient to meet the domestic demand of milk and milk products. Further, the National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad recommends 3 eggs per week per persons. However, the per-capita availability of eggs is 55 per annum as per Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics, 2013.
The Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries is implementing the various schemes to increase milk and poultry production and productivity, directly or indirectly, in the country; namely, National Livestock Mission, National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development, National Dairy Plan-I, Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme, Livestock Health & Disease Control.
Further, to increase the productivity of cattle and buffaloes for milk and poultry for meat and egg, the Government of India through its Central Cattle Development Organizations and Central Poultry Development Organizations is providing quality germplasm. Similarly, ICAR is operation, AICRP/Network/Seed Projects throughout the country; namely AICRP on Cattle, Network Project on Buffalo improvement, AICRP on Poultry Breeding and Poultry Seed Project. Improvement, production and provisioning of quality germplasms in the form of semen of cattle (crossbred Frieswal, Sahiwal, Kankrej, Gir), buffaloes (Murrah, Nili Ravi, Surti, Pandarpuri, Jaffarabadi, Swamp, Bhadawari) and hatching eggs, chicks to farmers and parental stocks (of various strains of layers/broiler and backyard poultry strains) to Government agencies is being done through the centres under the projects.
This information was given today by Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Balyan in a written reply to Lok Sabha questions.