Gazprom increased natural gas deliveries to Germany by 19% in four months of 2016, the Russian gas holding said on Wednesday.
Export of Russian gas was discussed at the working meeting between Chief Executive Officer of Gazprom Alexei Miller and Germany’s Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, Gazprom reported. “It was noted the last year broke the record of supplies from Russia, which grew by 6.6 bln cubic meters (+17.1%). The upward trend continues to become stronger this year – 2 bln more cubic meters as compared to the last year (+19%) were already exported in the first four months of 2016,” Gazprom said.
Participants in the meeting stressed importance of implementing the Nord Stream 2 project in conditions of growing demand for Russia’s energy resources in Europe. “Creation of a new gas transportation main line will not merely improve reliability of supplies but will also contribute to development of the European gas market,” Gazprom reported.
Gazprom supplied 45.3 bln cubic meters of natural gas to Germany in 2015.