
International investors now can find, in a single document, important information about the investment process in Brazil. A guide -produced collectively by Brazilian public and private organizations -gathers relevant data on legal aspects, tax incentives, financing, innovation and business opportunities.
“The goal is to facilitate the information for foreign investors interested in Brazil, especially now that major sporting events are being carried out, and there is a wide demand for structural works. The Guide also highlights the priority sectors, and shows that there is a variety of options and needs in the country”, explains Apex-Brasil’s Director of Corporate Management, Tatiana Porto. “We want to show that Brazil is open to investors and that there is a clear intention from the Government to help them”, she adds.
The Guide brings together information from several government sources, and is suitable both to investors with little familiarity with Brazil as to those already investing in the country, and willing to expand their operations. It also showcases business opportunities in key sectors such as aerospace, automotive, renewable energy, oil and gas, semiconductors, infrastructure and logistics, agribusiness, sciences, services, real estate and hospitality.
The Investment Guide to Brasil 2014 is freely available to all organizations, and can be accessed at the Apex-Brasil website, or directly at: http://www2.apexbrasil.com.br/media/ckeditor/investmentguidetobrasil2014.pdf
Additional information: [email protected] or +55 61 3426-0775