Annual Report 2011-2012, India[infosource] 2013/01/20 By Admin in Customs Clearance, Investment Administration, Policies & Cooperation for SMEs, Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine, Trade Administration Tags: India Abbreviations Overview Role, Functions and Organizational Set-up Trends in India’s Foreign Trade Foreign Trade Policy Export Promotion Measures Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Export Oriented Units (EOUs) Quality Control and Pre-Shipment Inspection Commercial Relations and Trade Agreements International Trade Organizations Commodity Boards and other Development Authorities Institutional Trade Facilitation Public Sector Corporations Trade Promotion and Other Initiatives in the North-East Region Programmes Undertaken for the Welfare of SCs/STs/OBCs and Women Programmes Undertaken for the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) Citizen’s Charter, Public Redressal Mechanism, Right to Information (RTI), Official Language, Information & Communication Technology (ICT) and other Activities Trade Data: Appendices to Chapter 2: 2.1 to 2.8 Download PDF