25/02/2014 13:00 – Portal Brasil
Brazil and Angola intend to deepen the cooperation and intensify their efforts in the areas of human resources development and scientific infrastructure. The idea, established in a meeting between representatives from both countries on 2/24, is that Brazilian experiences may contribute with the Angolan Science, Technology and Innovation Strategic Plan (CT&I), which in under construction and intends, among other targets, to graduate 120 doctors until 2020.
At the meeting, representatives agreed in identifying and mapping the possibilities for the participation of Angolan researchers in research institutions in Brazil and exchange information about the interest areas, especially on training courses for specialists offered in several excellent Brazilian institutions. Angola will also count on the support of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to develop the country’s Doctoral Program.
The cooperation in science, technology and innovation between Brazil and Angola is inserted in the context of the South-South cooperation, which privileges the intensification of partnerships between developing countries since 2003. The bilateral relationship in the area was inaugurated at the Economic, Scientific and Technological Cooperation Agreement, signed in 1980, with the purpose of strengthen the common friendship and understanding bonds between their peoples, and promote their cultural and scientific relations.