The 1st BRICS Think-Tank Forum on Pragmatic Cooperation was held at Fudan University, Shanghai, China, on 25-26 May, 2017. The Forum was organized by Center for BRICS Countries Studies, Fudan University, gathering more than 70 government officers, scholars and research fellows from five BRICS countries.
With the theme of “Globalization in the Time of Transition: Shared Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities for BRICS”, the forum focused on discussion of sub-regional cooperation and institutional building, economic and development cooperation, as well as education and think-tank cooperation among BRICS countries. Speeches and comments on the forum showed that there remained a wide range of issues and fields to be explored for BRICS cooperation.
Attendees of the forum included Celso Amorim, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Defense in Brazil, Maksim Khomiakov, Vice President of Ural Federal University, Jayant Prasad, Director General of Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses in India, Chen Dongxiao, President of Shanghai Institute for International Studies, Jaya Josie, Director of BRICS Center, Human Sciences Research Council in South Africa and so on.