Ninety percent of employees of public and private banks went to work today, confirming the end of a 21-day strike in almost all the national territory, indicated today the sector trade-union.
A communiqué of the National Workers Confederation of the Financial Sector (Contraf) highlights the majority of the base units of the trade union accepted the proposal of salary rise of 10 percent from the National Federation of Financial Entities (Fenaban).
According to the note, the strike ended in the 26 states and the Federal District of Brasilia, but in some of those territories, groups of workers did not go back to work. In Bahia and Maranhao, employees of the Banco do Nordeste said they maintain the demand for an incrase of 16 percent in their salaries besides better working conditions.
In Tocantins it is expected that an assembly this Wednesday decides the end of the stoppage that closed over 60 percent of the banking agencies and administrative Brazilian entities.
The president of the Banks of Sao Paulo Trade Union, Juvandia Moreira, extolled the increase conquered in salaries will accumulate a 20.83 percent in real power of salaries.
She pointed that the strike was one of the most intense of the last years, which corroborated the strength of workers in the financial sector.
Besides the salary hike, the Fenaban announced greater benefits for workers and a better participation in the profits, as well as an increase of 14 percent in food bonds.
The paralyzation ended Monday night and occurred one year after the branch strike that extended for one week also demanding a rise in salaries and better working conditions.