“Delhi Law Minister Jitender Singh Tomar was arrested by the Delhi Police earlier in the day,” Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) spokesperson Sanjay Singh said.
He was arrested on charges of cheating and fraud in obtaining his law degree and will be produced at the Saket court in the capital.
I have spoken to Tomar. Police have arrested him without issuing any summons or notices, which is completely illegal,” Singh told thestatesman.com. He said, “If the police had court orders or any warrant against the minister then they should have produced it.”
“It is the dictatorship of Modi, The union government wants to suppress the voice of the common people, which we would not allow to happen and we will fight against this,” Singh said, adding that Tomar had been taken to the Hauz Khas Police Station.
The arrest of the law minister comes following the fake degree row. Tomar allegedly possesses two fake degrees, one from Bihar and another from the Delhi university, according to reports.
Meanwhile, calling the arrest of Tomar a political move, AAP leader Kapil Mishra told thestatesman.com, “Smriti Irani should also be arrested on the same grounds on which Tomar has been arrested.”
“This is a political arrest backed by the Centre and PM Modi. They are scared of the Anti Corruption Bureau of Delhi government,” Mishra said.
“Since the time we opened CNG fitness scam, people sitting in 7 RCR and in ministries are scared and now they want to put pressure on Kejriwal. This is their tactics. But, we will fight against this from the street to Parliament,” the AAP leader said.
“The AAP will fight against corruption, and if the BJP is supporting the corruption, we will fight against it,” Mishra added.